Wave Hill Extension
Proposed extension to Fossicking Area 8

On 30 May 2012 an area of approximately 341 square kilometres surrounding existing Fossicking Area 8 was gazetted by the Northern Territory Government.
Fossicking Area 8 has been a very popular area for both local and interstate visitors over many years. People flock to the area every 'dry season' to explore for prehnite and other minerals, such as agate and quartz that can be found in the area.
Generally these minerals can be discovered easily as they are scattered on the ground, however the popularity of this area has resulted in a decline in the quantity of these minerals within the fossicking area.
To address this issue the department intends to increase the current size of the fossicking area to provide greater opportunities for exciting discoveries of these beautiful minerals.
The process to declare a larger size as a fossicking area may take some time as many factors, such as native title implications and consent from landowners, need to be considered prior to any declaration taking place.
In the meantime, you are permitted to access these areas to fossick however you must ensure that you issue the required notifications and obtain the appropriate consents before entering the area.
This may appear excessive to some however it is only an interim inconvenience until the area is declared as a fossicking area. Consent is required from the Minister (Fossicking Request Form - Reserved Land) and any mineral title holders. You are also required to notify the pastoralist of your intentions (Fossicking Notice/Fossicking Request Form).
For individual requirements refer to the information bulletin: Fossicking - Land Access.