Northern Territory Government

Fossicking in the Northern Territory

Fossicking – Cox Peninsular Road

17 Jun 2022

On Tuesday 7 June 2022 the department received a report of six car loads of people fossicking along Cox Peninsula Road, between two and four kilometres north of the Fog Bay Rd turnoff.

This area has granted Exploration Licence 29698 (EL), held by Lithium Developments Pty Ltd, located over it and is known to contain gold mineral occurrences.

Under the Mineral Titles Act 2010 (MTA), if you are intending to fossick for gold on a granted EL you must obtain the written consent of the titleholder, if they are actively conducting authorised activities on that land.

It is believed that only one of the people spoken to on 7 June had contacted the titleholder prior to entry.

It is an offence under the MTA to enter land requiring consent, without first obtaining that consent. This offence is subject to a maximum penalty of $12,560.

Authorised Officers from the department will be regularly visiting this area during the dry season. To avoid the risk of prosecution, please ensure that you have on your person the relevant documents outlined at Regulation 108 on the Mineral Titles Regulations.

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